WARRANTY PERIOD (Starts from the day of delivery)

    Категория Товаров Модель Стандартный гарантийный период
    Phone cases Air Case, MagEZ Case, MagEZ Case Pro,MagEZ Case Pro 2, MagEZ Case 2, New MagEZ Case Pro 2 months
    For Apple Watch
    Air Case for Apple Watch Series 2 months
    Carbon Fiber Watch Band 1 year
    Power Dongle for Apple Watch 1 year
    For Tablets MagEZ Case for iPad Pro/Air 2 months
    MagEZ Case 2 for iPad Pro/Air 2 months
    Card Clip 2 months
    MagEZ Folio 2 months
    MagEZ Stand 1 year
    Chargers 1 year
    MagEZ Juice 2, MagEZ Mount Qi, MagEZ Juice, MagEZ Bar, MagEZ Mount Qi Desktop, Air Essential, Air Quad/Air Quad Lite, Air Tray, Air Omni, Air Omni Lite,MagEZ Car Mount Pro, MagEZ Power Bank
    For Cars MagEZ Mount/MagEZ Car Mount Lite (including mounting bases) 2 months
    Smart Car Charger Adapter 1 year
    AirPods Cases
    Air Pal for AirPods 1&2, Air Pal Mini for AirPods 1&2, Air Pal Mini for AirPods Pro, MagEZ Case for AirPods Pro Cases 2 months
    Wireless charging funciton 1 year
    Wallets MagEZ Wallet (UE) Magnit 1 year
    MagEZ Wallet 2 (UE) Other parts Lifetime
    Accessories MagEZ Digital Travel Kit 1 year
    MagEZ Card Sleeve (2) 2 months
    Tempered Glass 2 months
    C to C Cable 1 year
    Others Air Omni (Lite) Travel Pouch 2 months
    MagEZ Case & Versatile Magnetic Power Bank Kit 1 year
    MagEZ Case & In-Car Wireless Charging Kit 1 year


    Our warranty guarantees that all items will be free from material and engineering defects and works as advertised.

    A defect is defined as an imperfection or flaw produced during manufacturing, including surface defects and wireless charging functionality.


    1. The warranty does not extend to damage from abuse or on purpose, normal wear and tear, alterations, or misuse, demagnetization of magnetic strip bank cards, cosmetic damage that does not affect functionality (such as scratches, stained magnets, or fading logos). Any damage to, loss of the cardholder’s contents, loss of use, loss of data, or similar are not covered.

    2. The warranty is non-transferable and only covers the original end-user purchaser. PITAKA will only authorize the warranty claim if the product was purchased from an official store.

    3. Customers must provide a valid order number or matching email address to make a claim.

    4. This limited warranty covers only PITAKA products and won’t cover damage to any device or personal property.



      To make a claim, or if your shipment arrived damaged or defective, please contact us at  info@smartworld.uz  for a quick solution.